
Why and When Do You Need to Replace the Dryer Filter?

July 2024Monday

Why and When Do You Need to Replace the Dryer Filter?

An air compressor is a big investment for a plant. In order to protect this investment, it is of paramount importance to provide proper maintenance for the air compressor and filter elements. Air intake filters are installed to protect the system against harmful materials such as external dirt and dust. However, it is not enough to focus on the air intake filters only; the dryer filter is also one of the most critical components of the system.

The dryer filter prevents the humidity in the airflow from concentrating, thus increasing the efficiency of the system and minimizing problems such as corrosion. However, these filters may get clogged or lose performance over time, which may in turn negatively affect the system. So, why and when do you need to replace the dryer filter? Let’s dive deeper into the aspects in the following matters.

If you neglect the air compressor, you will have to pay the price. Dirty air or a soiled filter decreases the efficiency of the compressor and increases its operational costs. What is more is that it shortens the service life of the compressor, hence an early replacement.

Replace the Filters for Your Compressor

Each compressor needs three filters; an oil filter, an air inlet filter and an air/oil separator. Just like replacing the oil in your car, replacing these filters ensure healthy operation for your compressor and prevents significant malfunctions. These filters are critical components that directly affect the performance of your compressor. It is essential to regularly replace these filters to protect air quality, increase the system’s efficiency and reduce maintenance costs.

  • - This will prevent the oil from getting soiled.
  • - Generally speaking, air filters and oil filters must be replaced after at least 2000 hours of operation. In more soiled areas, filters must be replaced more frequently.
  • - Separators are usually designed for 8000 hours of operation. However, in some machinery, the separator might need replacing more often. This information could be found in the service manual.

Regularly replacing your filters can ensure a long service life and efficient operation for your compressor and prevent potential problems.

Why and When Do You Need to Replace the Dryer Filter?

How Can You Tell If a Compressor Filter Needs Replacing?

Replace the filter of your compressor twice a year. How does your filter look? A soiled air filter will only damage the system. Regularly reviewing (even seldom) and when required, replacing the air filter is one of the most important steps to ensure that your compressor works efficiently. So, what are the signs that your compressor needs to be replaced? This is an important question especially if the compressor plays a critical role at your plant.

  • - If the oil filter is overly soiled by greasy residues before the due date, it might need replacing at an earlier date.
  • - If dirt and dust accumulate in the air filters, this may cause contaminants from passing through the system and thus the quality of the compressed air may drop.
  • - Additionally, soiled air filters decrease the efficiency of the system, causing it to consume more energy to perform its basic functions.
  • - If the problem persists, soiled air filters may cause more power consumption, costly maintenance procedures, and even business interruption.
