
Industrial Air Compressors and Their Types

27 July 2023Thursday

Industrial Air Compressors and Their Types

Air compressors are frequently used and indispensable equipment in industrial plants. Air compressors bring atmospheric pressure (Patm: 0.9 bar) to the desired pressure and specifications. Industrial air compressors are used in large plants, factories, workshops, automotive industry, marine, mining operations and many other fields.

How Many Types of Industrial Air Compressors Are There?

We have already mentioned that different types of compressed air systems are used in industrial sectors. There are 3 different types of compressors that are most preferred in industrial systems. These are screw air compressors, reciprocating air compressors and jet air compressors. Among these three compressor types, the most preferred models are screw air compressors and reciprocating air compressors.

Industrial air compressors are divided into 3 main groups, but regrettably, which one is more useful for businesses or their differences from each other are not specified. Let us give you details about these three compressor types that are frequently used in the industrial sector.

What Is a Screw Type Air Compressor?

What Is a Screw Type Air Compressor?

The screw compressor system is very popular due to the many benefits it provides to businesses. Recently, it is possible to come across screw type air compressors in many industrial businesses.

Screw type compressors have many differences in terms of operating principle when compared to other compressor models. In other compressor models, the air usually taken from the atmosphere is compressed with the aid of the pistons inside the compressor and components working in synchronization with the pistons. Air is compressed through the gaps created by the reciprocating movement of the pistons. However, screw type air compressors operate based on a system in which rotating screw rotors are in contact with each other. Two screw rotors rotate towards each other and air is sucked in through gaps in the rotor. Then, the gaps in the rotor are narrowed and the air is compressed. This process increases the air pressure and renders it available for use.

Screw type air compressors require energy to maintain their operation. Therefore, these compressors require a motor to operate. The motor supplies power to the rotor and makes the rotor rotate. Thus, the air is compressed and pressurized inside the compressor.

Screw compressors are frequently used in industrial sectors, particularly in heavy-duty industries that require continuous compressed air. Due to its operating principle, the screw type compressors provide the pressure required by the businesses in the optimum way. As a result, when businesses require compressed air, they can get this air from the screw type compressors without any loss of pressure. Reciprocating compressors are not suitable for heavy-duty industries, both because of their operating principle and because they are not suitable for long-term operation.

Screw type compressors provide maximum compression thanks to their rotation between the rotors. As an example. You can compress air at 10 bar 2 times with the help of a reciprocating compressor. However, with the help of a rotary screw type compressor, it is possible to compress air at 10 bar up to 4-5 times. Moreover, it is possible to use this compressed air directly without any loss of pressure.

Screw type compressors are divided into two different groups as oil lubricated and oil-free as per their operating principle and components.

What Is a Reciprocating Air Compressor?

What Is a Reciprocating Air Compressor?

As its name suggests, a reciprocating air compressor is a compressor model in which reciprocating pistons are actively used for the compressor’s task of compressing the air. Reciprocating air compressors are equipped with pistons that are activated by the operation of the system and that move up and down continuously. As a result of the reciprocating movement of these pistons, air is compressed and compressed air is produced.

The reciprocating compressor model is widely favoured particularly in the industrial sector. This is due to the fact that it is very efficient. Many components operate in connection with the piston and thanks to these components, the compressed air is ready for use in a short period of time.

In reciprocating compressors, the power of the compressor depends on the number of pistons. Let's examine what this means. We have mentioned that the reciprocating compressor performs the compression process thanks to the movement of the pistons. If the reciprocating compressor has many pistons connected in series, these pistons will deliver a much better compression ratio. Thus, if you are performing a heavy duty task and require compressed air at high power, compressors with the appropriate number of pistons shall be preferred.

What Is a Jet Air Compressor?

What Is a Jet Air Compressor?

We can state that the general operating principle of the jet air compressor is actually to utilize temperature. Industrial jet air compressors are classified into 2 types. These are hydraulic jet compressors and gas vapour type jet compressors. In a hydraulic jet compressor, water is compressed by applying pressure to the air without using any moving piston or similar source of air. The water body at high level is pressurized until it becomes a low level water body, and the compressed air and water generated during the application this pressure are separated from each other.

In gas and vapour type jet compressors, the expansion feature of water vapour as a result of heating is utilized. The water vapor reaching the outlet port is expanded and the air in the compressor is compressed with a rapid movement.

What is the Difference Between a Screw Type Air Compressor and a Reciprocating Air Compressor?

You are operating in an industrial sector and you are going to buy a compressor for your business, but you cannot decide whether to buy a screw type air compressor or a reciprocating air compressor. Let's summarize the main differences between the two types of compressors to help you decide for yourself.

  • The screw type compressors provide the required compressed air much faster than the reciprocating system. This ensures that the tasks are handled a little faster.
  • Screw type compressors have far fewer components than reciprocating compressors. As a result, we can say that particularly their maintenance is more favourable.
  • According to their operating principle, the reciprocating compressors are supported by many auxiliary components that interact with the pistons. However, this support increases wear.
  • The volume of reciprocating air compressors is slightly higher than that of screw type air compressors.
  • Since screw type compressors are manufactured according to the current operating principle, they operate much quieter than reciprocating compressor systems.
  • The air quality would be particularly high if you choose the oil-free version of a screw type air compressor. However, the air quality is slightly lower in a reciprocating compressor system.

