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Air Treatment Equipment

  • Air Treatment Equipment
  • Air Treatment Equipment
  • Air Treatment Equipment
  • Air Treatment Equipment
  • Air Treatment Equipment

Air Treatment Equipment

Air Treatment Equipment

Compressed air is a type of storable energy used mostly in the production sector and infrequently in the service sector when the use of electrical energy is inappropriate or dangerous. A compressed air system is much more than just an air compressor. It is of great importance that the air is clean and dry for all businesses that produce with air. In order not to compromise on quality in the final product and to protect the equipment used from corrosion, moisture and dirt in the air coming out of the compressor must be kept by filters. Most modern compressed air systems consist of many subcomponents:

  • Air Filter, is the device consisting of fibrous materials designed to capture the particles such as dust, pollen, mold, etc. from the air before they reach the compressor. It has 3 different options as compressed, flanged and high pressure.
  • Air Dryers absorb the moisture and particles in the compressed air system, ensure that they are removed from the system continuously with the help of the moisture absorbing material and guarantee your production. There are 3 different types as refrigerated, high pressure and desiccant.
  • Water Separators, ensure that water droplets and particles in pressurized air and gases are separated from the air and evacuated.

Simple Tips for Maintenance of Your Compressed Air System

It is recommended that you have your compressed air system professionally serviced at least once a year. Along with this;

  • • Keeping air filters clean can reduce the electricity use of your compressed air system by 5-15%. Change your filter every three to six months.
  • • Check your drain traps to make sure these contaminant removal devices have properly working drains and no clogged lines.
  • • Check your oil. Just like a car, your air compressor also needs regular oil changes or you risk destroying the screw
  • • Stay alert for warning signs such as unusual noises, overheating, excessive vibrations, or belt slippage.

Call us for efficient, reliable, high-performance and easy-to-use compressed air systems.