
Potential Problems in Piston Compressors and Solutions

10 June 2024Monday

Potential Problems in Piston Compressors and Solutions

Piston compressors are often called “the 4th helpers” as they reinforce basic tools, machinery, and processes in industrial plants. However, heavy use of piston compressors cause wear and tear. In this regard, piston compressors are preferred for being flexible and reliable in particular. However, these hardworking machines can have problems, too. Various issues such as decreased performance, air leakage, overheating or greasing may be seen in these compressors in time. This sort of issues may lead to interruptions in production, decreased energy efficiency and unexpected maintenance costs.

For this reason, accurately detecting the problems in piston compressors and offering efficient solutions is of critical importance to increase the efficiency and prolong the service life of these machines.

In this article, we explain the reasons for common malfunctions in piston compressors and offer solutions to get them back to their original state in the shortest time possible.

Compressors Leaks Oil or Has a Short Service Life

Correct lubrication is definitely vital for piston compressors. If the levels of oil are too low or the crankcase gets dry, you may face serious problems in a very short time. Nevertheless, you might still see from time to time that your compressor leaks oil or the oil goes bad before the expected service life. This might have direct negative effects on the performance and efficiency of your equipment.

There are several common reasons why your compressor leaks oil or has a short service life. This includes worn sealants, use of incorrect types of oil, extreme operating temperatures, soiling in the lubrication system and negligence of maintenance. These problems must be detected and resolved at an early stage to protect the health of your compressor and avoid potential costly repairs. Therefore, it is important to adopt suitable lubrication and maintenance strategies to maximize the performance of your compressor and optimize operational costs.

An oil leakage might manifest as an apparent pool under the compressor or you may just notice that the oil is depletes more quickly than expected. This usually results from the following:

  • • Old gaskets and seals
  • • Damaged oil lines or reservoirs
  • • Overfilling the crankcase
  • • Problematic oil filters
  • • Connectors or connecting part slots

Piston Compressor Overheats

Piston compressors are strong machines that are commonly used in a broad range from industrial applications to small workshops. These machines play a critical role in numerous processes as they collect and compress air to generate pressurized air. However, an overheating compressor can not only shorten the service life of the equipment but it can also jeopardize occupational safety. There are several important issues that may cause a compressor to overheat:

Inadequate ventilation, high ambient temperatures, clogged filters or hoses, and cyclical overworking; i.e. use above the recommended running level. It is critical that you notice these problems and take necessary precautions to prevent your piston compressor from overheating and maximize performance. Extreme operating temperatures may damage the equipment, decrease energy efficiency, and cause the compressor to stop in emergencies. For this reason, it is essential to pay attention to these aspects to protect the health of your compressor and ensure a safe working environment.

What you can do:

  • • Make sure that your compressor is used within the recommended operating times.
  • • Check the oil system to ensure that the oil recirculates correctly. If the amount of oil is low, add oil; if the oil is soiled or damaged, replace it.
  • • Check inlet filters, inline filters, pipes and hoses. If clogged, clean them; if the filters are soiled or full, replace them.
  • • Make sure that the compressor room is very well ventilated and that the ambient temperature is not too high. If required, add a fan or cooling equipment.
  • • Check if the cooling system and after-coolers are clean and work properly. For air-cooled systems, make sure that the fans work properly. For liquid-cooled systems, check water or coolant levels.

Excessive Power Consumption

Excessive power consumption is one of the most significant problems faced by today’s industry. In particular, industrial compressors used in industries are big power consumers. However, excessive power consumption may indicate fundamental problems that affect efficiency and performance. Common reasons why compressors consume excessive power include inadequate maintenance, leaks in the system, incorrect dimensioning and worn pieces of equipment. Failure to detect and resolve these problems in a timely manner not only increases energy costs, but it may also lead to serious problems and loss of efficiency in the system. In order to ensure a sustainable production process and cost efficiency, industrial plants need to minimize excessive power consumption, take proactive measures in this regard and follow regular maintenance plans. This helps detect potential problems at an early stage and save power, hence a decrease in environmental footprint.

What you can do:

  • • Make sure that your compressor runs only under a pressure you need. Adjusting the pressure according to your needs can significantly decrease power consumption.
  • • Follow periodic maintenance steps such as replacing the oil, cleaning or replacing air and oil filters, checking and eliminating leaks.
  • • If the compressor is old or the motor is inefficient, switching to a more modern and energy efficient model, such as a Variable Speed Drive (VSD), might be more cost-efficient in the long term.
  • • If the power consumption is still high even though you are following the above points, you might consider getting help from a specialist to check power consumption. They can determine inefficient areas and recommend various methods to reduce power consumption.

Do You Need Help Fixing Malfunctions in Your Piston Compressor?

At Özen Kompresör, we offer maintenance and repair services to optimize your systems with the aim to minimize loss of time and costs. Do you need help fixing malfunctions in your piston compressor? Don’t worry; Özen Kompresör is at your disposal.

